Linda king book edible plants for tortoises is brilliant, well-illustrated https://www.tlady.clara.net/id16.htm
Also the A-Z tortoise food app helps you recognise safe feed plants to use in your garden areas
Redfoot leopard’s Indian stars and sulcata spur thigh All need grasses, they are all grazers, grass must be available at all times
Timothy hay is great especially during winter.
There are many grass products available
Pre alpine needs soaking, the rest really are not suitable
Bulk buying cut dried grass is an option during winter. But as are mostly sold in bulk, if only 1 or 2 tortoises it is not economic, you are better off sticking to timothy hay, and grass you can pull up in garden.
Remember Redfoot tortoises need high protein , and are the only fruit and meat eaters , the snails will disappear fast in your garden .
Pinkies are often used e.g. mice sometimes rats.
I choose to pull chicken from carcass, or precooked chicken, tuna in water or fresh,